In the period around the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, from early 2010 to mid 2011, Lu Schaper (top left in the picture) worked as a freelance artist with the famous high-end fashion chain Shanghai Story. She was invited to bring in her artist's point of view and local Shanghai experience, which resulted in about a dozen of scarf designs, based on paintings she created for this purpose. The themes for the scarves were varied, and included for instance a Puxi/Pudong (Old and New Shanghai) comparison, a motive inspired by the expo buildings from twenty different countries, and a classical Chinese Buddhist theme with seven lotus flowers. These silk and pashmina scarves have been selling very well in the various stores of this chain, including their shops at the Huahei Road (former Avenue Joffre), the main fashion shopping street of Shanghai. They have contributed considerably to the continued rise of this brand's reputation and success. Her work has also been used for interior and exterior decoration of shops and offices of Shanghai Story. She was interviewed in the popular blog Shanghaiist based on this work (link). It was an intensive and challenging, but satisfactory period for her as an artist, having to deal with market requirements and deadlines. She has said about it: "Painting is like playing a solo instrument, designing scarves is more like playing in an orchestra.".
在今天的国王听证会上,我们美丽的国会女议员戴上了海蒂设计的帽子[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰] ,四年前的中秋,海上画廊为她和另一位本地女画家举办了艺术展,我也是在她那里第一次接触到 Felting ,深深被她无限的自由度吸引,也引起越来越多亲友邻居们的好奇,于是烛光摇曳,咖啡与茶,一边谈心一边与亲友分享传递手作的快乐,每个人都有自己色彩的天空,婆婆选择了妖娆的紫,心理医生选择了与宁静的蓝,姆妈选择了伊最爱的粉,邻居选择了与她双眸同样色系的绿......艺术就是完全放飞自己,就这么一点点的技术,却能展现最原始的想法,惊叹祖先的智慧,在手心的温度下见证与创造 only you 的独特。
无意或天意,能遇到鹭鸶就是美意,绘画、摄影、设计围巾和帽子、做美食、做策展人......近朱者赤,在这位跨界艺术家的影响下,我现在居然也会摄影、做帽子了,也许以后能感染到更多艺术细胞[呲牙] 文/诗人蓝紫野萍
清晰记得当年我们第一次见面你就送我一条围巾,隐喻着不可测的将来,灵巧的园艺与文学诗词正如你和煦的微笑,散发出的柔美气息正如梦中的姐姐那样温柔体贴,更感叹你在古玩摄影演艺领域的拓展,令人望尘莫及[强][强]期待金秋那顶姐姐亲手缝制的鹭鸶蓝的帽子一定要美美搭配起来[玫瑰][玫瑰] |
羊毛丝绸手作正是自己在欧洲艺术家启发下发生的兴趣爱好,从围巾到帽子,Felting 的季节又将来临了,希望国内越来越多人了解丝绸羊毛手作这种古老技艺,在传承中创造,乐趣无限。
一直很羡慕自己会做衣服的女孩子,我到现在连一个扣子都没有办法搞定,只能抓狂,又想起了当年考上海美院之前先去工艺美校的考场里练兵(当年不少考生是这样),现在还清晰记得那爽快的场面,鹭鸶从素描到色彩都是提前交卷, 大步流星出考场,就被一位年轻男教师温存叮嘱,希望以后去他任课的系里面学习,一问是服装设计系,当年心里只有纯艺术才是正道,才是高尚,辜负了他,我只是笑笑,也只能笑笑,可惜到现在也不知道他的名字,也不知道他是否还在上海工艺美院任教,十多年后倒是听说我们上海美院的同学去了那里任教,还有少年宫的腼腆小伙伴,也去了华山美校,走的都是正道,常常会想要是当年入了服装设计,走的一定是不同的道路,也能有一点生活的手艺,不过也有女友本是出色的服装设计师,却又放弃回到纯绘画的,人总是对遥远又熟悉的东西充满渴望,可是我们的生命太有限,需要学习和享受的东西又太多。
迷人的光舒爽的风,SilkChiffon 与 Merinowool 的神奇结合在高高的桅杆中舞动,